• To create an
    of shared human values.
  • To raise professional
    of EFL teachers.



Results from the Regional competitions

Dear students and teachers,

The results from the ELTAM MK Regional competitions for primary and secondary schools have been published on our website, on the competitions page.

We would like to remind you that according to our new rule books only first and second prize winners qualify for the State competitions in May. 
Congratulations to everyone and see you at the States! 

Let the best students win! 


Information about the Regional competitions

Dear teachers, 

We would like to remind you that our Regional competitions are this Saturday, 13th April and they start at 9:30.
Registration is open from 8:15 until 9:00-9.10 depending on the region.
Here is a list of the hosting schools of the regional competitions for 2024.

Good luck to all the students and all the best on Saturday!



Second Online Workshop - "PRELIM 3 - Possibilities for differentiation of ELT Materials"

New opportunity to join us for our second PRELIM 3 workshop

Dear colleagues,

Those of you who couldn't attent our first online workshop, you have the opportunity to join our second workshop “PRELIM 3 - Possibilities for Differentiationg ESL Materials” which is going to take place on 4th April, 2024 at 19.00.. To register, please fil lout the link below.


You will receive the link to the meeting on Thursday, after we close down the regstration link.

See you soon!


"PRELIM 3 Possibilities for Differentiation of ELT Resources" - Kumanovo

PRELIM 3 Reources introduced to teachers from Kumanovo

Toli Zordumis primary school from Kumanovo was an excellent host on Friday.

Another successful workshop on Prelim teaching resources completed with very creative and fun teachers.

Enormous thanks to the school host, its headmaster Dejan Mladenovski and our coordinators for Kumanovo region Biljana Petrovska and Milena Petkovska for the organisation.

29th March 2024


„Прелим“ онлајн работилница - „Можности за диференцијација на материјалите во наставата по англиски јазик“

Почитувани наставници,

ЕЛТАМ МК ве поканува на онлајн работилница со наслов „ПРЕЛИМ - Можности за диференцијација на материјалите во наставата по англиски јазик“ која ќе се одржи во сабота, 30 Март 2024 год., со почеток во 11 часот. Работилницата е првенствено наменета за наставниците по англиски јазик од основните училишта, но добредојдени се сите заинтересирани наставници. 

За да учествувате на вебинарот потребно е да се регистрирате на следниов линк https://forms.gle/tbg14gLPNDefiM3E9 , а потоа на вашата електронска пошта ќе добиете линк за да се приклучите на вебинарот.

Пријавувањето ќе биде отворено на 28 и 29 Март 2024 година.

Ве очекуваме.

Со почит,




"PRELIM 3 Possibilities for Differentiation of ELT Resources" - Skopje

Our PRELIM 3 Project Introduced to our colleagues from Skopje- Primary School Lazo Angelovski, Aerodrom, Skopje

F2F workshop from our PRELIM 3 project in cooperation with our UK partner Inlingua Cheltenham.

Our teaching resources introduced to primary school teachers in Skopje. Great colleagues eager to share experience and ideas.

27th March 2024, Skopje

Special thanks to our wonderful host - Lazo Angelovski primary school and the headmaster Magdalena Petreska, to our dear ELTAM board member Marina Nikolovska and to our President Mitoslava Pavlova Anevska for the organisation.


"PRELIM 3 Possibilities for Differentiation of ELT Resources" - Shtip

PRELIM 3 workshop in Vancho Prkje Shtip

Wonderful colleagues sharing their ideas and experience and getting introduced to our new resources created within the PRELIM 3 project in cooperation with our UK partner Inlingua Cheltenham.

Primary school "Vancho Prke", Shtip, 26th March 2024.

ELTAM MK would like to thank Marjan Trajkovik, our local coordinator for Shtip region and his school for being wonderful hosts.



Dear students and teachers,

The results from the ELTAM MK Local competitions for primary and secondary schools have been published on our website, on the competitions page.
Congratulations to everyone and see you at the Regionals!
Keep practising! 


Hosting schools of the Local and Regional competitions 2024

Dear teachers, 

Here is a list of the hosting schools of the local and regional competitions for 2024.
The Local competitions are this Saturday, 16th March, and they start at 10.00 a.m.
Registration is open until 9.15-9.30 depending on the region.
For Skopje region the registration is from 8.15 - 9.15.

Good luck to all the students and see you all on Saturday!


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